Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Meaning of Brazil 2

Maybe we have cracked it now... Today was our 'bonus' meeting day in Seoul. Nishida and I are in the city for a symposium yesterday, celebrating ten years of the wonderful Acting Department at the Korean National University of the Arts. This gave the Yoghurt wri9ting team an extra chance to get together, for one day only, and that was today.

Despite being tired for obvious reasons, we have done a very full and fruitful day's work, going through the whole script and dicsuusing our various drafts and ideas. here were some long discussions, but we all felt, as we sat down for Samgyetang in a restaurant near the University, that we had made real progress. Nishida said she understood the story, the style and the philosophy of our play for the fisrt time completely, and I think we all felt something like that.

Now there is some serious homework being done. I am writing the english draft of the whole play, including the 'black hole' that until today was the Brazil scene. Ayako is translating Toyoko's drfat long into the night, and when they all come together, perhaps before I leave Seoul on Tuesday morning, there will be a full agreed draft. Reunification is complete in Korea, hold the front page!

Byung Ho took us for our ginseng chicken, and Young Ai fittingly was there too. Plans are taking shape for the performance end of this process, and the main work on Costume and Set design, and the composing of the music will be happening in the next month. Team Yoghurt is in fine shape......