Sunday, October 12, 2008

Breakdown of Scenes

Looking for Yoghurt – Breakdown of Scenes - this is the new outline that came from Saturday's meeting

1 Outside the Building Site
Blue is a movement in the shadows. Norang arrives, looking for Yoghurt. She follows a rough cat trail. Decision – go inside into danger or give up on Yoghurt? She goes in.
Aka arrives. He is on a mission, to destroy the monsters that have taken over his ‘playground’. The cranes. The machines. He is 007, Spiderman, etc…. He avoids the ‘electrified’ fence. He goes in.

2 Inside the Building Site
Norang continues to look for Yoghurt. Aka becomes aware of her. He ‘stalks’ her. Norang is unaware of him. Hide and seek. Then they exchange sounds. Call and response. Then they are face to face. They are frightened, then communicate a little.

3 Finding Blue
Norang goes back to looking for Yoghurt. Aka joins in, without understanding. He finds Blue, hidden. Norang finds Blue, too. Blue has a place which he has made his own. His little world. They try to find out who he is, and why he is there.

4 Establishing contact
They make some hesitant links. Slowly they begin to play together. This builds into a clapping game. We find out a little of their reasons for being there. Monsters, missions and Yoghurt.

5 The remains of the tree. The grandmother’s story.
Aka finds the remains of a tree where he played, before the building site was here. He is upset. Norang tells him her grandmother’s story, about the special child. They enact this together.

6 Digging 1 [looking for the secret]
They dig together under the tree, to find what the child has left them. Blue hangs back, but goes to his world, and finds them something to help digging. They do not find any secret or treasure. They are disappointed.

7 The machine-monster
They start to look for Yoghurt again, and Norang touches something which starts a machine. Aka and Norang think it is a monster. Aka makes a show of killing the monster, but he is afraid. In the end, Blue joins, without fear, and rides the machine-monster.

8 Digging 2 [Going to Brazil]
The reality of their situation comes back to them. If they carry on digging, maybe they will get to a better place. Brazil. The machine, now that they can work it, may help them dig deeper. The three together now, dig to get to Brazil. They are playing together well now.

9 In Brazil
They arrive in ‘Brazil’ – where there are none of the problems that face them up on the land. They play this new world, where they are all of the people.

10 Disappointment, back to reality
They come back again to the reality of the situation. Norang still has not found Yoghurt. The clapping game does not cheer her up. The boys set up a Yoghurt trap. They hide and wait. Norang sings. They sleep. Time passes.

11 Up the Crane
Norang wakes, and resumes her search. She hears Yoghurt up the crane. She gets into danger. The others wake and rescue her, then they realise they are all in danger. They use whatever they need to climb the crane. From the top, they can see the city.

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