Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Getting closer

I realised how tired I had been last night when I woke early this morning, and wanted to catch up with this blog. My computer was not in the room, and it dawned on me that I must have left it in the PC Room late last night. These places are all open 24 hours, so even though it was only 6, I put on my shorts and trainers and jogged over to Daehagno to see if it was still there. Just like my phone before it, it was of course still there ready for me to collect it. This is really a good place to be if you are prone to leaving expensive elctronic equipment in public places!

It was a beautiful morning once again, although still very cold, and later in the day the rain returned. Still no visas though, and we are beginning to think about what to do if they don't come through in time. Stuart has been in touch with the British Ambassador who is writing to enquire for us, which sounds promising.

We moved today into a bigger rehearsal room for the preview we are doing to an audience tomorrow. Today we did bits and pieces before a run. We got a little behind the time, because Yudai was untypically very late, which he said was down to not drinking the night before - hard for his system to take, I imagine.

The run was pretty good, and the time down to 69 minutes. Most of the main problems at the moment are with the set and props, or at least the rehearsal versions of these. Simon and Yeon leave tomorrow with the backdrops, and the rest of the stuff that is travelling will come with us on flights over the weekend. The rest is being made in Birmingham.

Minato left today, and we will see him next in Birmingham. His current plan for the opening is to find a folk song in whichever country we are in, for Iris to sing in the pre-play section. She is now singing in the Brazil section, a beautiful song which Minato wrote himself, and we at last had a little time to work on the ending today too.

No energy left today for any more detail. I need to get to bed to be ready for a big day tomorrow, when some people actually come and watch a run....

At the end of another long day, a message comes through from the British Ambassador in Seoul - the visas have been issued and should be available for collection tomorrow....never in doubt.

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