Thursday, April 30, 2009

Moving On

Our final day in Seoul was spent first at our old friend the UK Immigration and Visa service office in Namdaemun, picking up the visas that cast their shadow over our rehearsals for a while, then after lunch we had a debrief on the run-through, followed by a meeting to plan the move on to Birmingham.

The set has been simplified here, and much of what there is is being made in Birmingham, so there is not too much for us to transport. What there is will be divided among the several routes to Birmingham. Daniel leaves at 5.00 tomorrow, direct to London, I am going to Manchester via Helsinki on Saturday morning, Young Ju, Mijeong and Hye Jin go to Amsterdam and then Birmingham on Saturday morning, and then Yudai and Azako go to Tokyo, Zurich and then Birmingham on Saturday evening. I don't think I will bother you with the routes for Toyoko, Minato, Hisashi, Su Young and Byung Ho!

Yeon and Simon have arrived safely in Birmingham, and are paving the way for the rest of us, so there was a production meeting in Birmingham, just as we were winding up our day with an evening in a tiny little bar in the very arty Samcheongung area near to Insadong.

In between, emails and skype chats have been flying between here and Birmingham and Tokyo about the song Ayako sings before the play starts, which is still causing quite a bit of angst. The schedule has been worked out, and there will be a bank holiday pause before the blog resumes, along with rehearsals, on Tuesday. Just enough time to settle into our new continent, and winess Birmingham City's triumphal return to the Premier League. On May 4th, we have a picnic planned, in our own tribute to Chon Sang Byeong [I hope you have been paying attention!] We will hope for good weather to welcome our happy group to Birmingham, and maybe we will see some of you there. In the meantime it is time to say goodbye to Seoul.

I will go back to the sky again
At the end of my picnic in this beautiful world
I will go back and I will say…it was beautiful

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